University of the Punjab
BA/BSc. Part I Computer Science Practical
Group 2 – Annual-2019 Solution
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Question No 01:
MS Excel
1. I clicked on Start Button and point to the All Programs. All installed programs list appeared.
2. I pointed to the MS Office Folder and click on MS Excel. MS Excel Program opened.
3. I click on Office Button and take new Sheet.
4. Entered data into sheet as given in the question.
5. I Selected Header Row and apply shade from home ribbon.
6. I wrote a formula to calculate Monthly Salary
Formula: = B2*C2
I dragged this formula from row 2 to row 6 to apply formula on all rows.
7. I selected Cell A7 , B7 ,C7 and clicked on Merge and Center. I wrote “Total” in new cell and make it Right Aligned by pressing “CTRL + R”.
8. I wrote a formula to calculate total in Cell D7
Formula: =SUM(D2:D6)
9. I pressed Ctrl + S to save the sheet and give the file name “Monthly Salary Sheet”.
Question No 02:
Private Sub Command1_click()
Dim no As Integer, Largest As Integer, Smallest As Integer , Sum As Integer
no = InputBox(“Enter a number”,”Input” , 0)
Largest = no;
Smallest = no;
Sum = 0
While no < > 0
Sum = Sum + no
If no > Largest Then
Largest = no
End If
If no < Smallest Then
Smallest = no
End If
no = InputBox(“Enter a number”,”Input” , 0)
Print “Sum of All Values = ”& Sum
Print “Largest Value = “&Largest
Print “Smallest Value = “ &Smallest
End Sub
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