University of Sargodha
MSC 4th Term Exams 2017
Subject: IT Course: Enterprise Resources Planning Systems(IT-4461)
Q No 01: Write Short answers of the following questions in 2-3 lines only.
i. What are operations in ERP?
Ans: Various business tasks are performed using ERP i.e. Sales, Planning, Stock management, accounting, sales and distribution, inventory and purchasing, human capital management, manufacturing, and supply chain etc. All these tasks are known as Operations in ERP.
ii. Name different ERP Technologies
1. Main Frame Architecture
2. Client Server Technology
3. Three Tier Client Server Architecture
iii. What is the biggest pitfall when maintaining supply chain in ERP?
Ø Failure to secure top-management sponsorship and leadership.
Ø Wrong Process, worst practice.
Ø Inaccurate and out-of-date information.
Ø No cross-functional representation.
Ø Broad scope.
iv. List the goals behind the knowledge management of an ERP System?
1. Captures and stores knowledge,
2. Improves collaboration by sharing knowledge
3. Locates knowledge sources,
4. Mines repositories for hidden knowledge
v. What are the potential benefits of BPR?
1. BPR creates radical changes on business processes without changing core competency.
2. It enhance the competitiveness in the operations in the operations networks
3. Improves communication and understanding within organization.
vi. What are do you mean by process in ERP?
Ans: A process is a collection of activities that together add value. Processes span multiple departments and in many cases traverse the boundaries of the organization, sharing information with partners, suppliers, and customers.
vii. What do you mean by outsourcing in ERP?
Ans: Outsourcing refers to contracting out certain business activities previously performed internally to a third party or service provider.
viii. Identify the kind of data that each main functional are needs in ERP
1. Master Data
2. Transactional data
3. Configuration data
ix. Define architecture of ERP
Ans: Architecture is the organizational structure of a tells how many components are there in a system and how they are connected. The major architecture in ERP systems are:
1. Main Frame Architecture
2. Client Server Technology
3. Three Tier Client Server Architecture
x. Explain Sales and distribution process in ERP
Ans: Sales and distribution process is a core process of ERP system, aims to capture and fulfill the customer order. The sales process is also referred to as the quote-to-cash or order-to- cash process, which begins with a quotation or sales order and ends with collecting payment from the customer.
Steps in the Sales Process
1. Lead Generation
2. Order Fulfillment
3. Invoice
4. Qualify Lead Sales Order
5. Cash Collection
6. Opportunity Quotation
xi. Explain BPR in ERP
Ans: Business process reengineering (BPR) is the fundamental, radical redesign of business processes that an organization undertakes to achieve breakthrough performance in key measures of cost, quality, speed, and service. It consists of the methods that companies use to transform their business processes in a major way.
xii. Explain financials in ERP
Ans: Different ERP modules concerned with capital management are called financials in ERP i.e. general ledger, overall balance sheet etc.
xiii. List down core features of CRM
Ø Contact Management.
Ø Sales Team and Customer Opportunity Management.
Ø Lead Management for Determining High-Quality Leads.
Ø Reports and Dashboards.
Ø Sales Analytics
xiv. What are different features of auditing in any ERP
xv. What are data dictionaries in any ERP
Ans: A data dictionary is a collection of descriptions about a data model or system.
Ø Runtime Data Dictionary
Ø Application Data Dictionary.
xvi. What do you mean by supply chain management?
Ans: Supply chain management (SCM) is the broad range of activities required to plan, control and execute a product’s flow, from acquiring raw materials and production through distribution to the final customer, in the most streamlined and cost-effective way possible.