ADS Computer Science-III PU Practical Solution Group-5 2019

University of the Punjab

BA/BSc.  Part I Computer Science Practical

Group 5 – Annual-2019 Solution

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Question No 01:

MS Word


1.      I clicked on Start Button and point to the All Programs. All installed programs list appeared.

2.      I pointed to the MS Office Folder and click on MS Word. MS Word Program opened.

3.      I click on Office Button and take new Document.

4.      I typed data on the document as given in the question.

5.      I Selected complete data and applied “Times New Roman” font form home ribbon.

6.      I Selected First Line and Press CTRL + B to make it Bold

7.      I applied Font Size 16 on first Line. And press Ctrl +E to make it center align.

8.      I Draw a textbox around Roll No and applied Dotted border from Format Shape.

9.      I selected third and Fourth line and Press CTRL + B to make them bold.

10.  I Selected Option-1 , Option-2 , Option-3 , Option-4  and applied bullets form home ribbon.

11.  I Selected last line and press CTRL + B to make it bold and CTRL + E to make it Center Align.

12.  I pressed Ctrl + S to save the Document and give the file name “Exam”.

Question No 02:



Private Sub Command1_click()

Dim Second As Integer , Minute As Integer , Hours As Integer

SEcond = InputBox(“Enter Seconds”, “Input” , 0)

            Hour = Second /3600

            Second = Second Mod3600

            Minute = Second / 60

            Second = Second Mod 60

            Print “Hours = ”&Hours        

            Print “Minute = ”&Minute

Print “Second= ”&Second


End Sub